Welcome, Paul Müller-Kaempff!

Paul Müller-Kaempff works from the Kunsthalle Rostock

Amazing: An Ahrenshoop artist in Israelsdorf? No, rather a far-traveling artist who set out to find his motifs in the Trave villages.

We would like to thank the Kunsthalle Rostock very warmly for the permission to "accompany" the founding father of the Ahrenshooper artists' colony and progressive artist of his time, Paul Müller-Kaempff, on his trip to Israelsdorf on July 15, 1918 and to send the sketches of the Israelsdorf oak and smokehouse which could be assigned topographically to the traveregion for the first time.

We would also like to thank Dr. Konrad Mahlfeld for the very good cooperation, the provision of the digital copies and the museum contacts.

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